Featuring Katie De Souza
Community Book Project
Pawsome Friends
Featuring Katie De Souza
Community Book Project
What We Love
Featuring Katie De Souza
Community Book Project
A Gift of Gratitude
Featuring Katie De Souza
Community Book Project
Every Day Joy
Featuring Katie De Souza
Community Book Project
Success is Yours!
Featuring Katie De Souza
Community Book Project
Stephanie Taylor
Self Help
Say, Cheese
By Jane Shaw
Books Featuring Katie De Souza
Independence is the sixth edition in the Community Book Project series.
What does independence mean to you?
That was the prompt for this edition of The Community Book Project. A group of 100+ contributing authors answered this question in 200 words or less. Their entries are gathered here. This book includes stories about living out loud (and on your own). There are tales of friends and flags and even one about online dating.
Take them in and think about this question, too: What does independence mean to you?

Pawsome Friends
PAWSOME FRIENDS describes some of the most precious relationships we have in life—those with our pets.
We are pleased to share the results with you in this book celebrating love: the inspirational essays, narratives and insights. The pieces range from the hilarious to the poignant. If you have loved a pet, you’re sure to love this book.
Thank you for reading—and celebrating—our pets!

What We Love
WHAT WE LOVE describes relationships with children, spouses, pets, nature, travel and more.
We are pleased to share the results with you in this book celebrating love: the inspirational essays, narratives and insights. The intention of this book is to empower and uplift you, too, to notice what’s around you that’s ready for love from you.
Thank you for reading—and celebrating—what we love!

A Gift of Gratitude
A GIFT OF GRATITUDE is the third edition in The Community Book Project series, where people come together to write and submit essays on a particular theme. In a weekend.
The gifts of gratitude described inside include the subjects of children, pets, nature, travel and, in one case, mushrooms. We also list our favorite causes we support.
And we are pleased to share the results with you in this book celebrating gratitude: the inspirational essays, narratives and insights.
The intention of this book is to empower and uplift you, too, to notice what’s around you and give appreciation.
Thank you for reading—and celebrating—gratitude!

Everyday Joy
The everyday joys described include the subjects of children, pets, nature, travel and, in one
case, bacon.
These authors are examples of everyday joy, too. And so are our readers.
Now we share with you the results of that weekend: the inspirational essays, narratives and
insights. The intention of this book is to empower and uplift you, too, to be a more joyful being.
Thank you for reading—and celebrating—everyday joy!

Success is Yours!
It was a crazy idea—bring a group of people together to write an inspirational book about success. In a weekend. If there were 20 people contributing, the editor would be happy. More than 70 did.
They worked with the suggested themes of career, finances and relationships—and were asked to keep entries to 200 words or less. (More difficult than it sounds.) They embraced the challenge to provide readers with mini-doses of inspiration—whether read in one sitting or one before bed each night.
They submitted their pieces within a tight timeline. They took part in a two-hour editing marathon and watched as their writing was reviewed and polished to shine brighter.
They cheered with every update and marveled at their own ability. These authors are success stories in themselves.
Now we share with you the results of that weekend: the inspirational essays, narratives and insights about success in relationships, career, finances and life.
Our intention is this book will empower and uplift you, too, to be your better self and let your success shine.